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You know that the savings that you have accumulated over the years should be carefully invested in order to receive the highest yields. Choosing the best financial company that is dedicated to following through on your best interests instead of just trying to earn a quick profit from one client and move on to the next can be difficult, which is something we understand at Sun Cities Financial Group. While based in Sun City, Arizona, we also have locations in California, Illinois, Nevada, Texas, and Colorado, allowing us to effectively provide unparalleled service. We provide you with high yields via both insured and guaranteed deposits that cannot be found in traditional banks or brokerage houses, and we’re proud to help be part of your retirement planning with our experts who will help you obtain the highest yields with minimal risks. How do we do this? Through brokered, FDIC-insured CDs and fixed indexed annuities. Today, we’re here to share with you five reasons why we are the trusted, reliable choice when it comes to conservative investing.

Sun Cities Financial Group’s History

Founded in 1998, we have over 15 years of experience when it comes to making sure that our clients receive high yields. We have been working with over 6,000 federally insured banks that all are covered with the maximum FDIC insurance protection. By working with banks both in and out of the area, we have been able to provide all of our clients with flexible options without compromising on our standards and promise of security that we deliver. Our many years of experience and expertise means that we can guarantee that our clients’ investments and financial matters are in secure hands. Here are some of the reasons why we’re the trusted choice when it comes to conservative investing.

1. We Instill Confidence in Our Clients

Our team at Sun Cities Financial Group is not here to maximize profits from you; but rather, we are here to help you make sure your financial future is secure. Instead of using complicated jargon and technical language to hide behind, we take the time to clearly explain our services in a manner which allows you to understand precisely where your investments are going. We show you a plethora of financial information available for any types of accounts which you are interested in, so you can see other reviews and the different available benefits, such as a fixed indexed annuity. We offer unbiased advice backed by evidence, which is made available to you, so you can make the best decisions that are in your interest.

2. We Locate the Highest FDIC Insured Yields

We are committed to locating only the best of the best for our clients: that is why at Sun Cities Financial Group, we only find the highest FDIC insured yields on brokered Certificates of Deposits that are issued by banks in the US. This in turn allows you to earn more interest on your money, granting you a higher-than-average interest on your insured savings.

3. We Provide Unparalleled Flexibility

You might think that because we have such high standards when it comes to making sure our clients only get the best, you will only have a few options when it comes to finding a bank we work with. Wrong! We work with over 6,000 federally insured banks, making sure that you have choices and flexibility so you aren’t cornered into making a decision out of lack of choice.

4. We Streamline the Entire Process

On top of making sure you understand what you are doing, we make it very easy to work through all financial processes along with our representatives. For example, opening a bank CD through us simply involves the bank required information and two forms of ID. When you purchase a CD, we’ll make sure you get a receipt and confirmation from the bank. All statements and maturity notices are directly mailed to you. When your brokered CD matures, you have time to decide if you want to renew at the same rate or close the CD.

Learning More About Our Services

If you’re interested in learning more about the conservative investing services we offer at Sun Cities Financial Group, contact us for more information. We’d love to present your options and help you better understand how to securely and safely invest your money. Call us today at 623-933-4100 for more information!